17 Men Share Plans For Presidential Election

17 Men Share Plans For Presidential Election

Hello, everyone! With less than one month until Election Day, we’re back for another round of BuzzFeed’s 2024 Election Diaries!

This weekly series highlights different groups of voters nationwide to find out what political issues are most important to them AND who they plan to support for president in 2024.

83% of male respondents to our poll expressed support for Kamala Harris.

Let’s chat about all things 2024 Election

Whether you agree or not, here’s what 17 men had to say:

All photos are AI-generated for anonymity.


“My wife and I had a very much wanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, she miscarried, but it did not pass on its own. She needed an abortion to get it out. LUCKILY, we live in a state (CA) that still grants women the right to their bodies and could get the help they need.”


“Part of my five-year plan is to be able to buy property, and I could use the $25,000 Harris is proposing to give first-time homebuyers to help with down payments. I feel like lots of people in their 30s are in a similar boat as me, and this would help a lot of my Millennial and Gen Z friends. I would say the support for Harris from men in my life is roughly 50-50.”


“Our economy was better, the border was more secure, and we focused on caring for Americans over international issues under Trump. Also, if Dick Cheney is telling me to support someone, that means you should probably support the other candidate.”


“I’m voting for Harris for so many reasons. One that doesn’t get talked about enough: If you are a person of any faith, but especially Christianity, it should be obvious that Donald Trump has chewed up, bastardized, and sold our faith for profit pretty much since day one. He regularly takes the Lord’s name in vain in a very deep and disturbing way that should disqualify him from any thinking Christian. It disturbs me that he’s somehow still considered the ‘Christian’ choice. Like, what are we even doing here?”


“I’m supporting Kamala Harris because I was raised by very strong women. I was taught respect. I was taught patience and grace. Most of the men in my adolescent life were assholes. I am all for closing the pay gap and the absolute and utter extermination of toxic masculinity. I have a daughter now.”


“Funding and arming an openly public daily genocide is my dealbreaker. Not to mention, neoliberal policies only enable the current climate crisis, ultimately ensuring its collapse within a decade. I’ll vote blue down the ballot, but Claudia DelaCruz is getting my POTUS vote.”


“As a gay cis man and an educator, I can’t fathom propping up DJT as a role model. He is vile, with no regard for ethics, manners, or the value of another human being. He is a fear-monger at best and a felon at worst. Most of the men in my life are other LGBTQ+ and feel the same way.”


“While I don’t think Kamala Harris is an ideal candidate, I do not understand how people can argue that Trump is a better choice. I would love to have the privilege of deciding my vote based on issues like fiscal policy or how I think a candidate would navigate Congress. Instead, this feels like I’m debating tax reforms for small businesses against basic freedoms for women, LGBTQ+, minorities, and frankly, any group outside of rich white men.”


“I’ve voted blue up and down the ticket since I first became eligible to vote. I can no longer support the Democrats in any way after what they’ve done to Palestine and now Lebanon. It’s unforgivable. I also can’t support Republicans because they’re insane. My vote is going to Jill Stein.”


“My main priorities are getting our country out of the dumpster fire Kamala helped put it in, bringing back a truly capitalistic economy, and bringing our country back to its Christian roots. I’m voting for Trump because he is way better than Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris would get us into World War 3 and would destroy America and its economy.”


“I truly believe that if Donald Trump wins, this is the last presidential election that I’ll ever be able to vote in. I believe Trump and his allies when they say, out loud, all of the horrible things they will do to their opponents if victorious, and I simply cannot abide that outcome.”


“Bodily autonomy is my top priority this election. I think women should have a right to choose what they do with their bodies. I think doctors, parents, and underage trans kids should be able to access life-saving, gender-affirming care. I think that should extend to adult trans people, too. Harris and Walz are interested in protecting those rights. I live in the red state of Tennessee. The other men in my life can see where I’m coming from on most liberal stances, except in this instance.”


“I feel that we could not have two worse choices for president. I don’t like either choice at all; however, with the way the media constantly degrades Trump and covers for Harris by rewriting her past, I feel they will go ballistic over a Trump victory. I am 100 percent voting for Trump!”


“Project 2025 is super scary. It strips away not just women’s rights but also the rights of workers and most civil rights. Donald Trump is like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush on steroids. Far-right groups already have too much power, and it is scary, so I have to support Kamala Harris.”


“My top issue in this election is social justice. I will be voting for Kamala Harris because I have daughters, and as a man, I will do what I need to support and protect them.”


“I am only concerned with keeping Donald Trump out of office. Kamala Harris is not Donald Trump, and her election will not have catastrophic consequences. Also, it is BEYOND time for us to have a woman president, and the smart men in my life agree with me.”


“Since SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade, there is a fear among my community that SCOTUS can also overturn gay marriage. Also, since the Equality Act has not been passed, this situation becomes even more realistic that one day, my rights can be eroded. Despite Trump not directly saying that he opposes same-sex marriage, indirectly and by his body language, he opposes it.”

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and we’ll see you for the next round.

All responses have been edited for length/clarity.

🗳 🇺🇲 Make your vote count! Learn more about how to register, important deadlines, and your state’s mail-in voting options here. For more on the 2024 election, check out coverage on BuzzFeed, HuffPost, and NBC News.

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